
Monday, May 25, 2009


Stopping at Greer Gardens in Eugene, OR - we looked at rhododendrons, azaleas and shade loving plants. The nursery is now hemmed in by urban development, and the 13 acres or so of mature specimen plants and nursery grounds are likely to become a condominium development in the future. Right now, though, the operation persists. We discovered this rose/orange splashed Exbury hybrid azalea in the far reach of the grounds, then found one smaller one gallon sized plant to bring back to Napa and try in the garden. Colors are deeper than the native azaleas in the Azalea Preserve near Arcata - and this is a deciduous azalea - but still... we shall see how it adapts to the Napa climate.


Lodo Grdzak said...

Nice pics.

juliana inman said...

Thanks Lodo! Nice pics on your blog of the wall art/grafitti...